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Distributed Computing Techniques 2009
9-12 June, 2009
Lisbon, Portugal



Coordination 2009
11th international conference on Coordination Models and Languages

Languages, Models, and Architectures for Concurrent and Distributed Software

The event is organised by the Instituto de Telecomunicações

Lisbon, Portugal, 9-11 June, 2009

The 11th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION) is part of the IFIP federated event on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec), together with the 9th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS) and the IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems (FMOODS/FORTE). The DisCoTec conferences jointly cover the complete spectrum of distributed computing subjects ranging from theoretical foundations to formal specification techniques to practical considerations. The event will be hosted by the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.


Modern software lives in a concurrent world. The ubiquity of the Internet allows distributed software components to be composed into complex networked systems. At the other end of the spectrum, multicore processors are now the norm. Hence applications are bound to be inherently concurrent and communication centered.

Coordination 2009 seeks high-quality papers on programming languages, models, and architectures that address the challenge of building robust distributed and concurrent applications. The conference focuses on the design and implementation of models that allow compositional construction of large-scale concurrent and distributed systems, including both practical and foundational models, runtime systems, and related verification and analysis techniques.

Past incarnations of Coordination have emphasized foundations. However, given the increasing importance of concurrency in almost every software domain, the organizers of Coordination 2009 are keen to provide a strong forum for high-quality papers that address practical aspects of concurrent programming models; e.g.: application of concurrency to novel domains, comparisons of alternative programming models on important problems, or domain-specific languages.

Topics of Interest

  • Distributed and concurrent programming models
    • multicore programming
    • stream programming
    • data parallel programming
    • event-driven programming
    • web programming
  • Foundations of distributed and concurrent interaction
    • models for processes
    • service composition and orchestration
    • workflow management
    • data query
    • tuple spaces
  • Specification, verification, and types
    • modeling and analysis of types and properties related to security
    • dependability
    • resource consumption
    • component conformance for concurrent and distributed systems
  • High-level optimisations
    • program transformations for performance enhancement
    • runtime load balancing techniques
    • static and dynamic resource management
  • Quality of service
    • fault-tolerant programming models and runtime support
    • models with responsiveness guarantees
  • Distributed software management
    • component and module systems for distributed software
    • dynamic software evolution and update technologies
    • configuration and deployment architectures
  • System support for programming models
    • P2P frameworks, mobile ad-hoc networks
    • sensor networks
    • publish-subscribe systems
    • event processing
  • Case studies
    • application of novel distributed and concurrent techniques in business process modeling
    • e-commerce
    • factory automation
    • collaboration
    • command and control

Invited Speaker

Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France

"Semantics and Implementation of the HOP Programming Language"

Coordination '09 Organisation

PC Chairs

Program Committee

Steering Committee

Publicity Chair

Important dates

  • Abstract submission: 10 February 2009, 23:59 Samoa time (= UTC-11)
  • Paper submission: 13 February 2009, 23:59 Samoa time
  • Author rebuttal period: 10-11 March 2009
  • Author notification: 20 March 2009
  • Camera-ready copy: 1 April 2009

Submission guidelines

The Coordination 2009 conference solicits high quality papers reporting research results and/or experience reports related to the topics mentioned above. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Each paper will undergo a thorough process of review and the conference proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series. Proceedings will be made available at the conference.

Selected Coordination '09 papers will be invited to a special issue of the journal Science of Computer Programming.

Contributions should be submitted electronically in PDF form at the submission site, using the Springer LNCS style. Papers are strictly limited to 20 pages in length, including figures and appendices, using the standard LNCS 10pt body font. Submissions that deviate substantially from these guidelines are subject to being rejected without review.

Authors intending to submit a paper must enter an abstract into the paper submission system by 10 February 2009. The paper submission deadline is 13 February 2009 (no further extensions will be granted). Authors will be given the opportunity to respond succinctly to factual errors in conference reviews during a rebuttal period from 10-11 March. The committee will take rebuttals into consideration during its decision process, but will not necessarily revise its final reviews in response.

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