Distributed Computing Techniques 2009
9-12 June, 2009
Lisbon, Portugal
A Global Computing Tutorial Series promoted by the Sensoria and Mobius European projects will be held together with DisCoTec'09 (9-11 June) in Lisbon.
Research themes addressed by the Sensoria (http://www.sensoria-ist.eu/) and Mobius (http://mobius.inria.fr/) projects are centered on Service-oriented computing, Mobility, Ubiquity and Security. The Global Computing Tutorial Series is targeted to PhD students and young researchers working on subjects related to these research themes.
All DisCoTec'09 participants can attend the tutorial series and grants to attend DisCoTec'09 and the tutorials are offered to students.
A limited number of grants is offered to applying participants. Grant money partially covers registration fees as well as part of local and travel expenses (depending on the funds available and the number of applications).
Applications must include a short cv and recommendation letters from senior researchers.
Applications by email to: discotec09@di.fc.ul.pt.