Distributed Computing Techniques 2009
9-12 June, 2009
Lisbon, Portugal
Coordination 2009
11th international conference on Coordination Models and Languages
Languages, Models, and Architectures for Concurrent and Distributed Software
Lisbon, Portugal, June 9-11, 2009
Entries are sorted by surname of first author.
From Coordination to Stochastic Models of QoS
A Uniform Framework for Modeling and Verifying Components and Connectors
Automata for Context-dependent Connectors
Contract-Based Coordination of Hardware Components for the Development of Embedded Software
Assume-Guarantee Verification of Concurrent Systems
Fairness for Chorded Languages
Parametrised Constants and Replication for Spatial Mobility
Coordination Model for Real-time Collaborative Editors
Enhanced Coordination in Sensor Networks through Flexible Service Provisioning
Mobility Models and Behavioural Equivalence for Wireless Networks
Exceptionally Safe Futures
Multicore Scheduling for Lightweight Communicating Processes
High-Performance Transactional Event Processing
Biochemical Tuple Spaces for Self-Organising Coordination